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Malay:My political thoughts during the Hunger Viratham Day Thirteen

This is the thirteenth day of my Hunger Viratham. The visitors are streaming in and it is becoming more difficult to stay focused on my writing. It has somewhat slowed down my writing. Still, therere is no let up in my resolve to achieve our goals of obtaining binding endorsement and commitment to implement Hindraf’s proposals and I continue with my Hunger Viratham. The 5 years Blueprint is a bottom up document and an attempt to make the people the decision makers for the allocation of the resources needed to open up new life opportunities, by the members of a segment of society. This is a first of its kind. Others will soon follow suit, if this attempt is successful. This is also a major worry of the elite and an oft repeated argument that if we do this for one minority or marginalized community, then the others will also start making similar demands. How can we deal with that? Simple, allocate resources truly on the basis of need – do not just say it, do it. But that will not happen. The elite will say it, but they will not do it. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with al such segments making such demands. We just have to plan the demands in and allocate the resources appropriately... The people are the true owners of the resource of the nation. They have every right to make these demands.


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